I’ll be joining 12 other songwriters on the Passim Stream to celebrate the launch of the Know Better Do Better Project!
We’ve all written new songs especially for this, with the goal of facilitating dialogue about the often racist histories of many of our classic American folk songs—and offering alternatives that meet similar aesthetic and/or educational needs that have kept these problematic tunes in rotation for so long.
Know Better Do Better Project - Launch celebration with special guests
Livestream presented by Club Passim
Stream at:
Donate: http://passim.org/stream
Suggested donation: $20
Friday, April 23, 2021
Stream begins: 8pm ET (5pm Pacific)
The name Know Better Do Better Project originates from the Maya Angelou quote “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
The project seeks to encourage conversation and awareness of songs that have played a role in sustaining systemic racism, and the writing of new alternative songs to be sung on stage, in schools, at home and everywhere.
This evening we will celebrate the launch of this unique effort as Tom Smith and “Uncle” Devin Walker co-host an evening of special guests, each of whom will discuss and perform a new song written for the project.
Please join us!