Quick prep ideas for Merc Rx

Copy of Mercury Rx 10-31-19.png

October 17, 2019

Hey friends!  Just a quick heads up that Mercury retrograde is right around the corner. 

It stations retrograde on Halloween; maybe I should dress up as Mercury and walk backwards all night?  Do I go with the physical planet, or the Greek god?  OK, yes, I'm a dork.


Keep in mind that the official beginning of the retrograde period is the day Mercury stations retrograde, i.e. the day its apparent motion slows to a stop before it reverses direction.  This is not necessarily the first day you may notice effects.  

If you are sensitive to this transit, you'll start feeling it sometime in the week before the actual station.   That means now is the time for any preparations.  Here are a few I'm planning to do:

  • Double check that my computer's automatic cloud backup is working

  • Accept the latest phone and computer updates now rather than procrastinating until next week

  • I triple checked my flight itinerary for the trip I'm going on next week, and made sure it matched what I'm telling the car rental company, before I clicked "submit" on the rental form

  • For the next few weeks, I'll be adding an extra 5-10 minutes into the time I allow for traffic

  • I'm being extra careful about clear communication with my partner, astrology clients, music students, bandmates, and anyone else I need to coordinate logistics with about anything--just to make sure we're on the same page as much as we think we are!

  • I updated and renewed my car insurance a few weeks early, as Mercury retrograde is generally considered a bad time to sign contracts. (I have personally found that this traditional association is one of the ones that experience seems to corroborate. Contracts and formal agreements that come up during Mercury retrograde often turn out to be ones where I don't actually have all the information I need at the time to make an informed decision, and it's better to sit on it.)

  • In general, I'm trying to slow down a bit and think things through so I don't, like, space out and forget to refill the gas in my car, or leave the crock pot on for three days.

How big an effect Mercury's shenanigans have on your life--or whether you notice anything at all--probably depends on two things;

1) How significant a player Mercury is in your chart overall.

2) How sensitive your chart is in the area Mercury is transiting (11-27 Libra).   

Is Mercury dominant in your chart?

Yes, if one or more of the following are true:

  • Mercury is conjunct, opposed, or square your sun, moon, or AC

  • Your sun, moon, or AC is in Gemini or Virgo (the signs Mercury rules)

  • Mercury is in your 1st house

If you're a Mercury-dominant person, your inner and outer world likely rely heavily on Mercury's territory--quick thought processing, verbal and written communication, and zipping from place to place on a tight schedule.  

So when transiting Mercury slows down and shows its trickster side, you may be more likely to be annoyed by it than someone who isn't such a Speedy Gonzales to begin with.

Do you have any of these planets/points...

Sun - Moon - AC - MC - Mercury - Venus - Mars - North or South Node

...in one of these signs/degrees?

  • 7 Libra - 1 Scorpio

  • 7 Aries - 1 Taurus

  • 7 Capricorn - 1 Aquarius

  • 7 Cancer - 1 Leo

If yes: this Mercury retrograde cycle might throw some stuff at you.  Just little dumb Mercury stuff; see this post for what kinds of things are and are not associated with Mercury retrograde.  It's nothing to panic about, but it's worth some precautions.

If no:  you're probably fine.  You may literally notice absolutely nothing, despite all the hullabaloo.  But backing up your computer is generally a good idea anyway, y'know?


Welcome! / Mercury retrograde: permission not to freak out


Chart Anchor #2: The Moon